Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Harry Styles on the Big Screen

While most of 2016 for Harry has been very low key, especially in comparison to his work load for the past five years with One Direction, what's in store for 2017 will blow us all away. Not only is Harry a talented and known singer, songwriter, fashion icon, and activist, he also will be staring in his first ever feature film directed by Christopher Nolan, called Dunkirk. His acting debut will premiere July 21, 2017 as a soldier named Alex in in the midst of evacuating Dunkirk.

A few days ago the first trailer for Dunkirk was released and we saw Harry as we have never seen him before. His intenseness and emotion, especially in his drowning scene, had me speechless and in tears. Seeing him amongst such known A-list actors is so surreal, leaving me with a great proud feeling. All social media was going crazy for the short 10 seconds or so of screen time that he had in the trailer, but let me tell you, those 10 seconds did not disappoint.

As a long time supporter of Harry, I have never once doubted his abilities in any aspect. I think he was born to entertain, whether that is on stage singing or acting in a movie, it is truly his calling. Although I wish it was, this is not the opinion of the entire world (ugh). Many are arguing that he only was casted for the role because of his name, which I find completely unfair and untrue. Nolan having such a respected name in film would not have just given him the part if he felt he was undeserving, putting his own name on the line. Why is it so hard to believe that someone of such popularity in the music industry like Harry, could expand their horizons into a different form of media and be just as deserving of a role as someone who only acts? Just like any other up and coming actor, Harry worked hard and earned his spot in the film as anyone else would have had to. And why would this be such a bad thing anyway? We should always encourage everyone to express themselves in any outlet that makes them happiest. We must not disclose people to doing their one thing. When you put these chains on people it suppresses their dreams and creativity. Everyone should be given a chance to follow their heart. This concept shouldn't change just because of his name, he is still a person deserving of a fair shot to prove himself.


While this movie has given Harry an opportunity to rebrand himself in a more serious environment, I know he will remain true to himself, the boys, his fans, and his passions. He has always encouraged the rest of the world to do whatever makes them happiest, it is time that the world does the same for him.

I am so incredibly proud of him in every way possible. I have watched him grow into the person he is over the past almost 7 years, and I can't wait to see what this new chapter has in store for him.

Love to all


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