Monday, December 12, 2016

Welcome to LushAlexa

Hi!!! Welcome to my very first blog post ever! I am so excited to be writing this!! For a long time now I have considered a wide range of outlets to express myself and my creativity, including youtube and other media sites. Although I really enjoy creating and uploading content to my youtube channel, I feel as though it puts a heavy strain on my personal schedule, and that it disconnects me from real life experiences. I find it incredibly important to be completely present in life, but having to worry constantly about whether or not I got enough footage for the vlog I was filming really takes me out of those moments. After quite some time attempting to enjoy uploading regularly on my youtube channel I just couldn't fake it anymore. I decided to finally create this blog, my ideal platform, where I will express myself and my passions while still being present in life and fully experiencing it in the moment.
I still plan to upload on my youtube channel when necessary. For example, I will upload videos to go along with posts on here, or when I am able to set aside time to plan and film I will upload, but for the most part 'lushalexa' will continue here.
I am thrilled for anyone reading this to follow me on my journey.
If you made it this far, HELLO!!! My name is Alexa Fajardo, I am 19 years old, and currently based in Olympia, WA. I am absolutely in love with falling in love with just about everything. Working takes up a great portion of my life in attempts to save for university, but we all know how hard it is to save money... When I am not working I love to binge watch my favorite TV shows, cry about Harry Styles (shocker), read personal style/fashion blogs, and more. I have strong views and opinions on political/social topics that I feel very passionately about, and I have no intention of being silent about them. Also, I cry a lot. Like so much that some find it concerning but I LOVE FEELING MY EMOTIONS, completely, heavily, and to their full extent. 
For now that is enough about me, believe me when I say there will be plenty to learn about me as this journey furthers. 
As this is my first post I also want to give you a small glimpse of what my blog will be about!

I don't like to put any boundaries on how I dress, I wear whatever I like regardless of what others will think, or whether or not it is 'in'. The idea of trends has always been something that I struggled with as I feel it puts your personal style into a box, rather than just wearing what makes you happy. I plan to regularly include my outfits, pieces I have been loving, hauls, and just about anything else regarding my sense of fashion in this blog.

Girl adolescence is confusing in the most frustrating ways because of the constructs that we inherit growing up. We constantly have things being enforced on us, how they want us to look, what we can and cannot wear, how to make everyone happy, to apologize when we don't need to. The list could go on full of flaws that we endure on a daily basis. But what is nice about it all is that social media has helped give girls (like myself) a platform to fight back and be heard. People are slowly realizing that girlhood is open ended, there are countless ways to be a girl. There is something about girlhood and sisterhood that is so important and so special to me.

My life and all of the things I love that make me, me. Traveling is something I am very passionate about, especially traveling for concerts. I want to share my experiences and thoughts first hand of the many places I travel to and the concerts I attend. Adding on to what I said earlier, I love all things GIRL POWER (who doesn't??) and I read quite a bit about it. Book, TV show, music, and movie reviews and recommendations will be something you will also be able to find on this blog in the future!

My favorite person in the entire universe of course will be making plenty of appearances here. I have always loved and felt so connected to the person that Harry is. His musical abilities, his killer style, the way he thinks, his values, his beliefs, his activist qualities, his support for minorities, his kindness. He has been such an influential person in my life in multiple ways, I find so much happiness, love and inspiration in him. He is my person.

There are so many people who I look up to in many aspects of my life. It was difficult selecting a few to showcase on this post, but it gives a good glimpse of who and what I am majorly inspired by. The theme happens to be strong women with strong beliefs and bonus happen to have such aesthetically pleasing styles. I adore reading and talking about who and what my influences are.

I am a dreamer and a hopeful person, my mind and heart never stop wandering. I love talking about the beauty in places I have never been, and what it will feel like when I go there one day. I dream of fashion school abroad and Europe and world peace and coffee shops in London and fashion shows and working with Vogue and Paris and falling in love and I will never stop dreaming, ever.

This is just a small look into something big, an entrance into my mind and my heart. 
I am constantly growing and changing my mind and falling in and out of love with so many things.
Thank you to those who have supported me in every path that life has taken me. If you get anything out of this blog, I hope that it will make you feel something. 
See you soon, Love to all



  1. Hello Alexa! I have been following your Twitter account and YouTube channel for a while now and I just find something so magnetic & inspiring about you.
    First of all, you are so beautiful in and out. Your fashion sense is everything. Your makeup is flawless. And you are so kind & funny, but also a force to be reckoned with.
    Secondly, this is so incredible! I'm so proud that you're pursuing your dreams and putting yourself out there!
    Thirdly, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! You have such a broad spectrum of topics that I am intrigued to see what you have to say and show. No doubt it will will be interesting and incredible.
    And lastly, good luck and I hope you achieve all that you want out of life.
    You got this, Alexa.
    All the love xx

    1. jackie this genuinely made my entire night, I teared up reading this. your love and support really means so much to me from the bottom of my heart. it is people like you who make me remember why I love putting myself out there and never giving up on myself and my dreams. I am sending you all of my love and best wishes your way, you deserve endless happiness. I promise I won't let you down. hugs and kisses and love always!!!! Alexa❥

  2. hello alexa ive been following you for quite a while now and your dear bestest friend Han. Reading this blog made me discover the person you are, and i wanna say that you are incredible and you deserve all the happiness in this broken world. i CANNOT wait to read more ! you have an amazing fashion style i love your aesthetic and obviously the love for Harry cause me too ahhahahaha even if i might not tweet about it 24/7 but i love your strong passion for girl power and the world and everything you talk about! Never stop believing in yourself and your dreams youll get to go to london and paris someday and admire the beauty of this world has to offer !

    Bonne Chance ma belle ! Tu merites que du bonheur

    ( im yslflirt on twitter btw)

    1. oh my goodness my honey, this means the whole world to me. really. I am so happy that I am able to make others like yourself feel things, that is all I want out of life. thank you so much for believing in me and supporting me, my heart is so full. you deserve nothing but endless happiness and love. All my love, best wishes my dearest!!!!! Alexa❥

  3. Ahh Alexa I'm so happy to have seen you grow through this whole journey, and to see the amazing Independent woman you have become. I may not be there in person but I am so excited to follow this blog you've started. Know I'm here every step of the way. Thank you for influencing me in the upmost positive ways and showing me that you can be whoever you want to be and whatever you want to be.

    1. tay you are going to make me cry!!! it really means a lot to hear this coming from you because you have seen me through my entire journey, thank you. I am so happy that I have been able to influence you in any way, you are so special. I miss you I hope California is being lovely to you!!!!! ily, Alexa❥

  4. this is so great lex. i am beyond proud of you & cannot wait to see how your future unfolds, i love you <333

    1. ERIK thank you for always believing in me and supporting me, you mean so much to me!!! I love you with my whole heart❥

  5. Hi Alexa! You are honestly an inspirstion. You make me feel good about my self and I couldn't be more proud of how far you are going! I've been following you on twitter and subscribed to your youtube channel for a long time now and all I can say is WOW.You are a true amazing, wonderful lady, and I hope to be like you one day. You and Han are both one of my favorite youtubers too watch and your videos just make my day. I also live in Washington, so I just hope that one day I will run into you because honestly, it would be a honor to meet you<3 Once again I couldn't be more proud, & I am looking forward in reading your blog!! You have big dreams! & I know you will achieve them!
    -Dani F (@bootyloui)

    1. my sweet dani, thank you so much for your endless love and support. you have followed me on my entire journey and stuck around and I am so thankful for that. you have such a big heart, I hope I get to meet you very soon as well, it would be so special to me. I love you so much!!!!! Alexa❥

  6. I am so glad u found an ideal way to share everything you want your friends to see and I can't wait to read the things u have to say...i am so proud of u always for your dedication and honesty that goes into your work, and i can't wait for this blog to grow with u❤️️ a true inspiration to everyone in your life, including H. xoxoxo sam

    1. SAMMY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. you know how much you mean to me, I would do anything for you. thank you for always being my biggest supporter, I don't know what I would do without you.

  7. Hey Alexa!! I follow your twitter and we actually just recently became such great mutuals! I have read this a couple times before but never had an account to comment. lol. I just want to tell you how genuinely proud I am! The way you put your words and the way you speak puts me in utter awe. Its so beautiful and I dont find it hard to believe that you'll make a big change in this tragic world.
    xoxo ky


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